A Plus Quality Inc.

How To Save on Energy Costs With Your Air Conditioner

How To Save on Energy Costs With Your Air Conditioner

It's possible for any type or brand of air conditioner to become inefficient. When this happens, the system needs more electricity to work, but it works at only half of its normal output. Here are several ways to reduce the energy costs of your air conditioner.

Maintain the A/C Seasonally
Before the season begins, schedule an HVAC maintenance service with A-Plus Quality, HVAC services in the Greater Toronto. Make sure that your system is working properly and not using more electricity than necessary. For instance, an A/C with a clogged air filter will use a lot of energy and work at half of its efficiency level.

Get Repairs Done
Get repairs done on your air conditioner whenever the work is needed. A common mistake that homeowners make is waiting until the last minute to get repairs done. In the meantime, the A/C works less and less efficiently until it breaks down completely. You'll save hundreds of dollars by getting a needed repair done right away.

Install an Energy-Monitoring Device
Monitoring is the best way to know whether or not your home is using too much electricity. Install a device that allows you to monitor the energy output for the entire household. Some devices tell you the types of appliances that are consuming the most energy and the amount of power per day, week or year.

Buy a Newer, More Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner
Consider replacing your old, energy-wasting A/C with a more energy-efficient one. Most A/C manufacturers put energy efficiency at the very top of their to-do lists. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a list of appliances made by Energy Star. Look for EER ratings that indicate the level of energy efficiency with the higher ratings being more efficient.

It takes more than using the A/C less often to cut energy costs. Regular maintainence and nesseacary repairs are also needed to make sure your A/C is performing at its best. If you are in need of any HVAC services or a new air conditioner, A Plus Quality is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or 

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  • Furnace is blowing cold air in Winter?

    This can be due to Ignition lockout, sometimes could be resolved by resetting the power  and if this does not resolve the issue you should contact a certified gas technician from A-Plus Quality to get this problem resolved!

  • Why is there ice building up on the copper pipes?

    There can be many reasons why the refrigerant pipes are freezing up but the most common issue is low refrigerant levels. If your AC unit has ice buildup turn off the unit for at least 4 hours and call us at 416-410-0337

  • What are mini-split advantages?

    Just as the name implies, a “mini-split” system is a “split system” however available in smaller capacities, for single room to whole house conditioning. Mini-split systems may range from as small as 9,000 BTUh per hour, comparable to say, a small window AC unit, for individual room use, up to 4 and 5 ton capacities for “Room By Room” (also known as “Zoning”) and whole house conditioning. With near universal design, mini-splits are “heat pumps” which provide both heating and cooling for a home. Here are key advantages when compared to traditional split systems:

    Efficiency- Mini-splits are highly engineered systems which offer attractive operating efficiencies, in many instances, eligible for utility company rebates.
    Heat Pump- Most mini-split systems are heat pumps, providing year-round comfort.
    Solar friendly- Due to very low power requirements, mini-splits are an ideal complement to “Net Zero Energy” homes, or any home using renewable power.
    Carbon footprint- Mini-splits are 100% electric, with zero operating emissions of any type.
    Zoning- Most mini-split manufacturers offer systems capable of room-by-room “zoning”, to account for peak demands of a room based upon construction type, exposure orientation and usage.
    Variable capacity- Mini-splits are typically DC inverter driven. That is, a variable speed compressor which modulates in proportion to instantaneous demand. Most conventional split systems, by comparison, operate with an ON-OFF strategy. (Would you use an ON-OFF switch as the accelerator in your vehicle?)
    Location, Location, Location!- Mini-split outdoor units are compact; they can be located far away from noise-sensitive areas, such as bedrooms and home offices. Mini-split indoor units have the ability to be installed where conventional systems cannot.
    They’re perfect for additions and remodels where access to current HVAC system is difficult to access.
    Modern mini-split systems are remarkably quiet; in fact, many times their operation is unnoticed by the end user.

  • How do I know what size unit I need?
    If you have any problems with your system, you should contact the contractor who installed the units. All our systems are covered by a 5 year parts, 7 year compressor limited warranty
  • What is a heat pump?

    Heat pumps use electricity to move heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the heating season, heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into your warm house and during the cooling season, heat pumps move heat from your cool house into the warm outdoors. Because they move heat rather than generate heat, heat pumps can provide equivalent space conditioning at as little as one quarter of the cost of operating conventional heating or cooling appliances.

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